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Thursday 9 June 2016

Book reports

Students are still working hard to complete French book reports.  Here they are reading to eachother and beginning their reports.

Thursday 2 June 2016

The ducklings are free!

Today our students helped the ducklings get from our courtyard over to the park.  Good job Eagles!

Friday 20 May 2016

QR code - Fraction review

Today we reviewd fractions and used the QR code reader to check our answers.

Friday 6 May 2016

Soap for Hope

Our class collected 100 bars of soap.  Thank you for helping others!
Check out our pictograph!

Thursday 28 April 2016

Soap for Hope

Next week we will be collecting bars of soap to send to countries who are in need.  These countries suffer from illnesses and germs that stem from not being able to have proper hygiene.

Please send in soap bars only, no liquids please.

See poster below:

Wednesday 27 April 2016

What are the chances?

Today we explored probability using spinners.  Here is our probability line as well as a couple of students engaged in a spinner activity.

Friday 22 April 2016

Lights Out Canada - Earth Day

Today our school shut off the lights to conserve energy.  Our school also cleaned up the yard and we talked about how we need to pitch-in to help our planet stay clean and healthy.  Great job Eagles!
Check out a cool poster below, our class working with our lights off, and something we made for Earth Day.  Happy Earth Day!

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Exploring solids

We continued to explore real-life solids today in Math class.  Talk about the solids that you see around your home.  How many sides, vertices and edges?

Friday 8 April 2016

3D solids museum

Today students explored and examined our 3D solids.  They located how many sides, edges and vertices each one has.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Restaurant skits

Today our morning group continued to work on their French restaurant skits.  They will start presenting tomorrow.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Skits - Au Café DELF

Students are working on writing their restaurant skits.  Here they are working away this rainy day.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Time stations

Today we reviewed our Grade two time telling skills.

Here we are checking and recording different times around the room.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Making pizza!

Today we wrapped up our small unit about fractions by making pizzas, well.....paper pizzas!  Even though we could not eat them, we still had fun!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Fraction matching activity

This week we are learning about fractions.
Check out what we were up to yesterday.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Division using manipulatives

Try this at home:). Using manipulatives is helpful to see how division works.

Wednesday 2 March 2016