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Sunday 28 February 2016

Multiplication to 7 x 7

This week we are starting to learn more about multiplication.  Please work on facts up to 49 (7x7) at home using flash cards, apps or games.  Create and complete your own multiplication table at home!

Friday 19 February 2016

Bonhomme's Ball

Here are a couple of pictures from Bonhomme's ball today!  Carnaval ends today!

Bonhomme Math challenge

Today we were challenged to measure Bonhomme.  We measured area and perimeter.  Some also measured height and width.  Many used blocks, rulers, and chains to measure.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Sunday 14 February 2016

Carnaval is coming up this Tuesday!

Carnaval starts this Tuesday with a kick-off assembly!  
Wear your Carnaval shirt or red and white on Tuesday!

Wednesday is Tuque day!  

Wear your Ceinture Flechée on Thursday!  

Friday is Bonhomme's Ball, Hockey sweater day, Beavertails and hot chocolate!

Salut Bonhomme!

Friday 12 February 2016


Exploring symmetry this week in Math class.  We played a mirror game and used the Miras (reflection tools) to complete symmetrical pictures and designs.  

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Exploring foods

Today students located favourite meals, foods and beverages.  We discussed least favourite foods too.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Au café DELF

We started a new food unit.  We are also learning a new song about a café and the food that is sold there.  In these pictures, the students are learning the translations of the lyrics,